Canvas Grade Capture: Importing Grades into StudentCentral


Import Canvas grades into StudentCentral by following these steps.

Step 1: Select a letter grade scheme in your Canvas course

  1. In your Canvas course, click Settings in the left menu.
  2. In the Course Details tab, scroll down to Grading Scheme.
  3. Select "Enable course grading scheme."
  4. Choose one of the available schemes in the drop-down, or click "Manage All Grading Schemes" to see existing schemes in more detail or to create your own.
  5. If you create your own scheme, be sure to scroll down and click the "Save" button. The new scheme will appear as an option in the Grading Scheme drop down.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Update Course Details.

Step 2: Import grades into StudentCentral

  1. Log in to StudentCentral.
  2. In the Faculty tab, go to the Grades groups and click Canvas Grade Capture. The page that opens will look similar to the image on the next page.



Grade Import Screen

  1. Dropdown to select grades to report
    • All students
    • New Students
    • Prospective Grads
  2. Course dropdown: shows all courses you teach
  3. Update link: imports grades from Canvas to this page.
  4. Links to other places
    • Complete Grading page in StudentCentral
    • Canvas
  5. Course number selected
  6. Grading period open
  7. BJU ID of student
  8. Name of student
  9. Grade posted in Canvas
    • can be changed here before import
    • changes here do not affect Canvas
  10. Previous grade entered into StudentCentral
  11. “Record Grades” button to post grades to StudentCentral (only when grading period is open)
  1. In the Report grades for dropdown, choose the type of grades you are submitting: All Students, New Students, Prospective Grads.
  2. Choose the course from which you wish to import grades and then click “Get latest from Canvas.” The BJU ID and names of your students should populate to the list along with the current course grade from Canvas.
  3. Make any needed manual changes.
  4. Click the Record Grades button at the bottom of the page.
    NOTE: This button will only show when a grade reporting period is open.




Article ID: 16556
Wed 11/15/23 10:52 AM
Tue 7/9/24 8:59 AM